The Case of The Bonsai Manager

R Gopalakrishnan



"No one sets out to become a bonsai manager, just as no plant is created by Nature to be a bonsai. Managers’ growth can be stunted by their own acts of omission and commission—instead, they should branch out in new directions drawing on their innate genius. Where two circles—Nature and management—intersect, intuitive leadership is born. Using anecdotes about a vast array of living creatures, and his own experiences in the world of business, the author nudges managers towards letting their gut instinct speak when faced with difficult decisions. Intuition will be a key differentiator for excellence in the future, more than in the past. Why, when imported into China from Thailand, did crocodiles lose their sex drive? What was the purpose behind the Arab bonding with his falcon all day long? How do squirrel gangs scare off snakes? Why are grizzly bear cubs trained for two years to hook salmon? There is a management lesson in each endearing story from the animal kingdom. Drawing on insights from a rich management career spanning forty years, this book gives an idea of the basic characteristics of human nature, the complexities of employee behaviour within organizations and how an agenda for change can be charted out. This is essential because future managers will face vastly different challenges as the world around them changes dramatically. In this world, the inclusive, intuitive and humane style of management will work, not the top-down approach—and here is an author uniquely placed to tell us how. "

What will you learn from this book

  1. Leadership Growth: Cultivate leadership skills similar to nurturing a bonsai tree. A successful leader grows gradually through continuous learning, development, and adaptation.

  2. Patience and Long-term Vision: Bonsai trees take time to grow and shape. Similarly, effective management requires patience, persistence, and a long-term perspective to achieve sustainable success.

  3. Adaptability and Flexibility: Like shaping a bonsai tree, managers must adapt their strategies to fit changing environments, circumstances, and challenges in the business landscape.

  4. Attention to Detail: Managing and leading effectively often involves paying attention to small details. Just as pruning and caring for a bonsai tree requires precision, managing intricacies in business is essential.

  5. Continuous Learning and Improvement: Successful managers are committed to continuous learning and self-improvement. They evolve their skills and knowledge base to stay relevant and effective.

  6. Resilience and Perseverance: Just as bonsai trees withstand environmental changes, managers need resilience and perseverance to navigate challenges and setbacks in their roles.

  7. Empathy and Understanding: Effective management involves understanding the unique needs, motivations, and perspectives of team members. Embracing empathy fosters better relationships and teamwork.

  8. Balancing Act: Bonsai trees require a delicate balance of water, light, and nutrients. Similarly, managers must balance various factors such as risk, innovation, and stability for organizational success.

  9. Innovation and Creativity: Encourage an environment that fosters innovation and creativity within the team. Like shaping a bonsai tree, creativity and novel approaches can lead to extraordinary results.

  10. Simplicity and Clarity: Strive for simplicity and clarity in management practices and communication. Just as a well-shaped bonsai tree is visually clear and balanced, clear communication and simplicity in approach are effective managerial tools.

Language English
ISBN-10 0-67-008131-0
ISBN-13 9780143063926
No of pages 264
Font Size Medium
Book Publisher Penguin Portfolio
Published Date 09 Aug 2009

About Author

Author : R Gopalakrishnan

3 Books

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